Past Activities

Mathematics Classes

  1. Math Puzzles The board of education in Miyota  Math Fun Class  2 Feb 2020
  2. It's summer! Let's do math! The board of education in Miyota  Math Fun Class  4 Aug 2019
  3. It's spring! Let's do math! The board of education in Miyota  (Ecole Miyota)  9 Mar 2019
  4. Let's do math in this summer. The board of education in Miyota  (Ecole Miyota)  3 Aug 2018



1.Mathematics for the senior peole   Nagano Longevity Social Development Center, Nagano Senior University, Faculty of Saku  17 Jan 2020 


In this talk, we will introduce a brief history of mathematics and "Reverse Polish Notation" which relates to Japanese language. We solve a linear equation system with diagrams. Also we introduce a mysterious infinite point set, quick calculation methods and finding the day of week of your birthday. Finally, we will see Mebius bands and Fractals.



2.To live abroad -To see is to believe Nagano Longevity Social Development Center Nagano Senior University, Faculty of Saku Open lecture 20 Aug 2019


As we know "Seeing is Believing". Today, we can reach almost all information through the internet instantly but there are many things that we need to be there to understand. The culture is one of them. In this talk, we will look at different life styles in different cultures and some ideas of English education for Japanese based on my experience.


3.What I thought in Oman ~a foreign worker's point of view~ Organizer: Mrs Mitsuko Amano Let's see the world! Do you know Oman? (Engawa Asahi, Miyota, Kitasaku, Nagano, Japan.) 10 Mar 2018